Page name: Solemn Lines [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-12-04 23:12:37
Last author: Blasphemy
Owner: Elysian
# of watchers: 20
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Without further ado, here is a listing of the poetry made by the maddest poets in town...not that we're really all that mad-looking, but the name fit quite nicely.

These poems are of any kind; they may have a set rhythm, they may not; they may rhyme, or may not; they may have meter, or not; they may just be blurbs of paragraphical text, if we so please.

Now Serving Up [31] poets and [366] works

If you'd like to have YOUR poetry showcased here, please message [Elysian], [Blasphemy], [Half-Mad Poet] or [Linderel] and one of them will set you up.

Solemn Lines Weekly Poetry Feature

Heart Encased

He tries to scale a wall of brick
That stands tall in front of him
Looking for a crack or hole
Some way that he can get in

A chink appears before him
Just right for his hand to fit
Loose mortar makes another one
As he moves it around a bit

Scaling slowly upwards now
His confidence does increase
The prize he sees in his minds eye
As he picks up his climbing pace

His hands he places on the top
Pulling up with all his might
On leg he throws up on the wall
The next follows close behind

His happiness is overwhelming
His joy grows by leaps and bounds
He finally looks down at the prize
Only to see a heart incased in ice

by Viperess

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Poetry Forums @ Invisionfree! (yes, free, because I'm lame and haven't been paid yet)

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2006-03-28 [Blasphemy]: Everyone likes poems...or else *shakes fist*

2006-03-28 [Half-Mad Poet]: yes

2006-03-29 [Elysian]: *shakes fist as well* and everyone better try to be cool and join this...

2006-03-29 [Nioniel]: yay, here i am!

2006-03-29 [Blasphemy]: hey, cool thanks for makeing it

2006-03-29 [Half-Mad Poet]: huzzah! a new member.*bow*

2006-03-29 [Elysian]: Sweet, new member and 5 watchers. though three of them are the poets listed...

2006-03-30 [Citrine]: Hello... by the bidding of [Half-Mad Poet] (who I already expect to be three-quarters or more mad for inviting me here) I have come. So... *awkward pause*... hi....

2006-03-30 [Blasphemy]: Hello! lol, no but really, how is it going?

2006-03-30 [Half-Mad Poet]: :) yes, but half mad looks better in writing. amy who, either i or Rhuaide Callan will make a page for you, just add your stuff to the bottom (if you have the password), or send it to one of us, and it'll be made! lol, sorry, i need sleep. g'night

2006-03-30 [Dil*]: Hello fellow heretics ^__^

2006-03-30 [Half-Mad Poet]: :) greetings and salutations! welcome to our humble wiki.

2006-03-30 [deranged-bugosh]: I'm procrastinating on joining...

2006-03-30 [Blasphemy]: joining things is funny, i almost had an option! lol, i kid i kid...

2006-03-31 [Elysian]: lol, you could quit anytime...:D but then the rabid dogs get their turn XD. I also kid.  Oh. And welcome to the wiki; hope to see lots of your work in the near future! 

2006-04-02 [Nikos Kitten]: kool

2006-04-02 [Dil*]: hmm, I actually got 4 daily poems...but i forget which ones got featured actually. hehe, how silly of me.

2006-04-02 [Equivalent Exchange]: Uhhh hey ^^ [Blasphemy] asked me to check this wiki out

2006-04-02 [Half-Mad Poet]: hello. you are welcome to just look about, or if you wanted, even join.

2006-04-03 [Elysian]: Welcome [Nikos Kitten] and [Equivalent Exchange]. to the latter: first law of alchemy, I see! Nice choice ^_^ Vm.  Hope you two decide to add something or at least read some. hope youe enjoy your stay.

2006-04-04 [Equivalent Exchange]: Thanks, but while it is the seen as the first and truest law of alchemy, one does not always achieve equal gain, in exchange for equal effort ^^

2006-04-04 [Equivalent Exchange]: lol... but to the point about joining, I do not think I'm good enough to join. But I enjoy reading the poetry here

2006-04-04 [Blasphemy]: lol, there really isn't a way to measure who is better then who at peotry, if it is meaningful to you and has your emotion, then it is poetry! Whee!!! lol

2006-04-06 [Elysian]: Yes, please go ahead. We don't judge based on "quality". Quality is a term that is meaningless in poetry.

2006-04-07 [Equivalent Exchange]: well i have some attempts in my house ^^

2006-04-26 [Elysian]: Hey, by all means...if you want to join, I'll set you up.

2006-04-26 [Half-Mad Poet]: never loose one's self to the shadow, for once lost the shards may never peice together, no matter the force.

2006-04-27 [Blasphemy]: yeah, i think it is important to stick with your goals and dreams, always having your future ahead of you

2006-04-27 [Dil*]: I crushed my own dreams.

2006-04-27 [Blasphemy]: how so Dil?

2006-04-27 [Dil*]: ahh..long and painful story..go read 'my dream my reality' in my poetry'll give you some ideas.

2006-04-27 [Blasphemy]: You don't think you can make a living using your art and poetry?

2006-04-27 [Dil*]: Yes. It's a confidence issue. I wanted to go into graphic design, but my parents convinced me to go into sciences at a prestigious university. I'm pretty smart yeah.

2006-04-28 [Blasphemy]: Well just remember about the over justification effect, once you do something you love for money it because a love for money rather then what you intially enjoyed doing, so even if you don't make a living with your life's passion don't let it slip you by

2006-04-28 [Half-Mad Poet]: aye, what he says tends to be true i loved my job when all i did was volenter, now not so much... granted, it may be the way the higher ups treat everyone else...

2006-04-30 [Equivalent Exchange]: Well when i was little and wanted to be an airforce pilot my dreams were crushed coz I have glasses...

2006-04-30 [Blasphemy]: Ok Arima, I have made your wiki for the site now, just edit your page and insert any work you wish ^^

2006-04-30 [Half-Mad Poet]: hmm... that is rather dissapointing. it is ammusing how the government is willing to refuse people for reasons beyond their controll, but when the draft reaches out they will so willingly use each as cannon fodder, a useless body. Oh, Welcome Arima.

2006-05-02 [Elysian]: Welcome! Sorry about the absence, friends. HW got in the way for quite a long time.

2006-05-02 [Half-Mad Poet]: no worries

2006-05-07 [Equivalent Exchange]: heh heh heh... I kinda have been absent as well so I'll try to upload as many things as I can *grin*

2006-05-07 [Blasphemy]: *smiles* Hurray! Thanks and have fun!

2006-05-07 [Elysian]: yayness

2006-05-08 [Half-Mad Poet]: It is good to have you here.

2006-05-08 [Blasphemy]: what..I thought you were cool man...

2006-05-08 [Equivalent Exchange]: Me? *points to self*

2006-05-09 [Half-Mad Poet]: what?

2006-05-09 [Elysian]: Pay no mind to blasphemy. *grins devilishly*

2006-05-09 [Blasphemy]: be greatful, be honest, be precious, be mine

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